Vrouwennetwerk Universiteit Utrecht


7 april 2016
16:00 - 16:45
Raadzaal, Achter Sint Pieter 200

IOS Lecture with Linda Senden

In 2016 we started speed lectures to share the newest research developments in our strategic theme: Institutions for Open Societies (IOS). These IOS lectures are intended especially for scholars and research master’s students who are interested in the IOS theme and are focused on sharing, exchanging and the connection of research, knowledge and people. In April the lecture will be on the 7th introducing Linda Senden.

[NB The contents of this agenda item is copied from the website of Utrecht University. If you’d like to read more on the matter of IOS, our interview with prof. dr. Belle Derks in our Pandora issue of December 2015 might be of interest to you. You can read the interview (in Dutch) here.]


Crisis upon crisis is putting the EU now to its litmus test. What started with a political crisis surrounding the Constitutional Treaty for Europe in 2005, was followed by the economic and financial crises and now the migration crisis, while a possible Brexit is looming. This lecture will zoom in on EU related research that may provide for explanations for the occurrence of such crises, relating to the system of balancing of powers between the EU and the Member States, both at the regulation and enforcement levels. In discussing areas of concern in this shared European legal order, special attention will be given to the Dutch referendum on the EU-Ukraine association treaty.


Belle Derks and Henk Kummeling are responsible for the annual programme for 2016. Regarding the other six lectures, (see the dates below) the programme is not yet final. Should you have a suggestion for a lecture, please feel free to contact us.

The other dates in 2016 are:  12 May, 2 June, 8 September, 6 October, 3 November and 1 December
Time: from 16:00 -16:45 followed by drinks
Location: Raadzaal, Achter Sint Pieter 200
Admission: Free
Language of communication: English