Closing 9 Oct. Vacant position: PhD Candidate ‘Inequality and Inclusion in Low-skilled Labour Organizations’ (1,0 fte)
Radboud University is currently looking for a PhD who will conduct research on how low-skilled labour (LSL) organizations deal with diversity in their workforce in terms of gender, ethnicity and class. Using the concept of inclusion and intersectionality, you will empirically document the organizational practices that increase the inclusion of a diverse workforce – with…
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Closing 14 Oct. Vacancy: tenure-track Westerdijk Fellow: Assistant professor department Information and Computing Sciences (0,8 – 1,0 FTE)
The Faculty of Science is searching for female candidates with expertise in the foundations of Computer Science, preferably in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Interaction Technology, Software Systems and Virtual Worlds: “We are looking for outstanding candidates who will invigorate and enrich the scope of expertise of our department and can enhance its involvement in…
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Vacature: Hoogleraar Gender in Primary and Transmural Care (strategische leerstoel) bij Radboud UMC
De hoogleraar op de strategische leerstoel Gender in Primary and Transmural Care draagt zorg voor het generen van nieuwe kennis ten behoeve van het onderwijs en onderzoek naar sekseverschillen in ziekte en gezondheid. De nieuwe hoogleraar is verantwoordelijk voor het continueren en uitbouwen van het onderzoek dat zich richt op man-vrouw-verschillen bij diverse aandoeningen, problemen die…
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