Archief per maand: juni 2017

Publiekslezing: Fungi and Quality of Life (in English)
Speakers: Patricia Faasse: The life and tribulations of Johanna Westerdijk Joan Bennett: Fungi in the indoor environment, and their impact on health Entrance is free of charge. Registration is free but compulsory. More information will be announced shortly.
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CCHR Symposium ‘Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead’
We will open the academic year by means of an international CCHR conference entitled ‘Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead’. This international event is comprised of renowned keynote speakers in the field of Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights (Prof. Jacqueline Bhabha, Harvard and Prof. Nicholas Mirzoeff, NYU) and paper presentations of…
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Conference on Refugee Students
“InclUUsion uncovered. Experience of displaced students” [Click here for English] Tijdens het huidige academische jaar waren meer dan 100 studenten met een vluchtelingenachtergrond ingeschreven voor reguliere cursussen aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Wat voor uitdagingen gingen ze tegemoet? Wat voor dromen hebben ze? Deze studenten organiseren een conferentie in Utrecht Science Park: InclUUsion uncovered. Experience of…
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